So, this morning i awoke at 6:15 realizing that my darling was still sound asleep. WHAT???? i got so excited that there was no way of me going back to bed. i went in the office and called my was like the biggest pat on the back for me. pep woke up at 6:45 and I kept tellin the Lord, "thankyou, you dont know how this makes me feel!" but im guessing He actually does. so whether this continues or not...i KNOW that it's possible for her...yay!
She has also found her fingers...for mouth sucking that is. 2 of her naps today, she would wake up 1 hour into them, find her hands and sleep the rest of the time with her fingers in her mouth. so precious! this week she had only been sleeping 1 hour for all her naps and i had no clue what was going on...but today, her fingers must have soothed her and she slept like a champ. wasnt so much like that yesterday. having a baby involves a lot of trial and error. is this happening cause of this? lemme try this...maybe she's this.... yada yada well, she literally would wake up at exactly 1 hour into her nap and would not go back to sleep. so yesterday i went and got her and put her on the couch with este and me. SHE FELL ASLEEP....she tricked me! she just didnt wanna miss anything aha! no more lil missy:) she slept for another hour...lil girl, i know youre only 3 months but you know what youre doing!
speaking of three months..tomorrow she'll be 3 months. my my, how it has gone by so quick and my love has multiplied by a trillion! este and i had date night tonight and we were both sad to leave her and excited to go back and see her. she's such a joy.
i gave her a bath today in her tub but without the net for the first time. wow, she loves bath time. she was kicking and talking and smiling and kicking. este keeps saying, 'no wonder pple want more children!'
i also showed her her first video this week. "farm full of faith" um, she loved it. pardon the naked body in the picture...i need to find some diapers that hold in her blowouts! arrrghh. cleaning poo clear up to her neck on an almost daily basis is NOT what i define as fun. ok, maybe there is a lil exagg.
so those are the highlights! here's to hoping i get another full nights sleep:)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I laughed and I ooooooohhhhed when I saw these. I keep thinking about the last time we were there and she was way too little for the chair. She fills it out nicely now and how adorable she found fingers to soothe her. Can you tell I am her grandmother???
Can't wait.
G. Sprouse
Yea for sleep! Olivia is currently fast asleep and I'm peacefully packing:) Only about one more month till we see you guys!! Then we can have Belle 24/7!
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