well i didnt get to it and then i couldnt get my pics sooo...here's to a big bummer. we are still waiting the verdict to see if the pics can be recovered.
so whats been goin on since? let me just bullet a whole bunch of random things, please.
*grammy and pops came to visit...we had a blast. the girls are in love with them. even today, olivia was in the car and said, "pops, grandma!"
* we went to a pumpkin patch with them and the girls...they had so much fun and i got so many good pics...ahem! anyways, they left and i believe it was 2 days later, peppy's first tooth broke through. within days, her second one poked through too. sleeping has gone much better the last few days...praise the LORD.
*on Halloween, we went to a church in temecula where they had all kinds of stuff to do. it was like a harvest festival. olivia got to ride a lil horse...and pep just got to watch and hang out with grandma cindy! she had a blast! she loves to be out and watch people!
* last week, heidi and i went to the grocery store, winco, and it's so huge, it just takes forever...even running (not that ive tried or anything) so by the end, the girls had just had it. olivia had isabelles nuk...well by time we were at the checkout line, i asked for it back...while heidi got isabelles sippy cup of water and tried giving it to olivia. so at winco, we have to bag our own groceries. it was nuts. isabelle started crying so heidi went over to her to calm her down while i bagged. as heidi was tending to belle, olivia started crying, "mommy!" so here we were with 2 crying, loudly, children and 2 moms trying to bag as quickly as possible. it got so ridiculous we just started laughing. it was a sight to behold! in the midst of the whole thing, olivia chucks her dolly. a lady came and picked it up and said, "aww, is this what you want!" heidi graciously said, "no but thankyou!" heeehee. you'll never guess. as soon as we got out the doors....the crying completely stopped. are you kidding? hahahahahhahaa! i think everyone in winco thought we were the worst mothers...laughing as our children we bawling their eyes out.
anyways, you just get to that point, ya know?
* isabelle started sleeping on her belly this week. she still doesnt go from her belly to her back so she's still getting used to it...however, we are practicing daily on turning over from belly to back. as soon as we get her in her crib, she wants on her belly.
* we have realized she gets punchy at night just like her mommy! every night we do our routine to put her down for bed and she gets so happy and giggly. even me getting boogies out of her nose, which usually upsets her, makes her laugh. wow, what a joy!
*we got her the cutest headband the other night...will have to get some pics. she looks like an anne geddes baby!
* we were at the mall yesterday and este had pep out in the middle while heidi and i were in gap. well, he had her sitting on one of the empty kiosks. an older lady walked by and looked and then took a double glance over at her. she came over and said, "i thought you were holding a doll and then i saw her move!" that's my baby!
* she has been sitting in the store carts without her car seat the last week or so. she loves it! the first time i put her in one was in tjmaxx. we passed by a mirror and she saw herself and couldnt believe it. she looked so proud!
* we got a new lens this past week and este has been practicing so much. he does awesome! so we are planning on taking our own family pics this week:)
*pep loves theo. this morning he came up and cuddle with her on my lap. even laid his head on her belly/chest. she laughed the whole time. he let her play with his ear and fur.
okay okay, i think that's enough for now. here's to hoping our pictures make it back safely to us:)
daddy's got you.
we call her twinkle toes
finding some change to put in her piggy bank!
already learnin how to work them brows!
love how she reaches for me
she feels like such a big girl in the bathroom with us!
youve gotta be kiddin me! another one?
olivia can make her laugh all the time...without trying 100% of the time!
could NOT ask for a better family!
buds for life
she loves uncle billy
airing out!
what kind of camera tod you have? love it. and i laughed at the story of you and heidi in the grocery store. ALl the other moms were just thinking that they were glad it wasn't their kids crying that time :) belle and olivia are growing so fast! both so beautiful
All I can say is PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever been to Alaska?
abby...este is the cam man..however..ima read everything that is on the camera...that way, maybe youll get an idea. canon rebel xsi...EOS...and we have 3 different lenses for it..if you want details, ill ask the man:)
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