Friday, June 22, 2012


I seriously have so much that I want to catch up on and tell, I have a list of roughly a hundred things to jot down here on this world wide journal, however, I feel the need to step back from my desire to talk about how amazing my kids are and their progress as little people and mention an amazing thing that happened in our lives a week ago today. Not sure if you all remember this blog from over three years ago that I wrote. It has been a little more than 3 years since the hardest day of our lives happened. My husband was accused of some horrible things having to do with his work and charged with 23 other people in a huge scheme. The possibility was prison. Never in a million years did we ever think this would be part of our lives. In the midst of it all, the Lord began to give us promises to cling to. One of the main ones was 2 chronicles 20. You have got to read this chapter. We truly felt the Lord was telling us that we would not have to fight in this battle, to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. He gave us confirmation after confirmation...but three years is a LOOOONG time to stand still. There is so much more to share, I could write a book, but the important thing is that I want to declare that our God is faithful. I realize that horrible things happen to believers all the time. Just because we are christians does not mean that everything is going to work out perfect (in our eyes) however the Lord had made it clear that He was going to deliver us from this horrible trial. And that He did. Last Friday, Esteban was about to teach a bible study to some young adults when he received the call from our lawyer that they were dropping all the charges. Victory in Jesus! We have been through so much these past 3 years. There were times I prayed for the Lord to return ASAP or take Esteban home because I couldn't take seeing him in pain anymore. We went through people not believing in the promises that we felt the Lord had given us and planting seeds of doubt in our minds. Esteban went through the birth of two children that he didn't know if he was going to be able to help raise. We have been persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. Through it all, we don't regret a bit of it. Why? Because we got to experience our Jesus, His amazing, fulfilling Word and experience living by faith every single day. When I say, I know that I know that I know that my Lord is faithful..I'm being honest. He is good and He cannot go back on His Word. Praise you, Jesus!!


Anonymous said...

Such awesome news! Happy for you guys!

Jess Williams said...

Praise God