Friday, October 23, 2009


This week my brother and husband went on a solitude retreat and so us four girls were left at home. Totally missed the men but us girls know how to have a good time. yes, shopping was involved! The first night that este was gone, I went to a place where my friend, lisa, was painting live. it was really great and I got to see some people that i havent seen in at least a year. the next day, i had to take peppy to her 6 month dr. appointment/shot. this is the second time i've gone without este and the dr. always talks about how he is always with me. i love that. i also love pep's doctor. on this particular day, i realized just how much my darling baby is growing up! this was the first time i took her in the office NOT in her car seat. she just sat with me in the waiting room, on my lap, playing with her froggy and then all of a sudden she turned and looked up at me and smiled and then continued to play. oh my goodness, how fun is this??? everyone commented on how cute she was and then we went back to the room where she SAT up on the table with a little bit of help. i couldnt believe i was staring at my daughter...wowsa! she was 28 1/2 inches long and 18 lbs. her height is still 100% and her weight is lowering to 88%. love that she is so healthy. she was wonderful for the crying...and loved the wooden stick the doc gave her. and for her shot...she just cried when it went in..and nothing after that. what a big girl.
we went and picked up the other girls, heidi and olivia, at the mall and headed to chipotle...mmmm. and off to the outlets we went. we found some wonderful deals...i even got a shirt for pep for .99 cents at old navy. i almost got all of it for free, seeing that my baby was crying and i wanted to get out of the store so bad that i forgot to pay for my stuff. i didnt quite make it out of the door before heidi asked if i had paid. so embarrassing. we had lots of fun and ended the night with a movie.
my este came back to me thursday morning, how i miss it when my partner is gone! he received his renewed license which is a miracle from the LORD and we went to eat thai last night for a celebration! this morning we went to 'riley farm' to see how the pioneers did it. the girls enjoyed their time and once again, isabelle just seemed so much bigger to us. she sat up in her stroller for the first time without the car seat and loved watching everyone.
oh yeah, she also has begun saying mama when she cries. ahhhhh! how can i ignore her when she is saying that??? she has been laughing a lot this week too. can you tell we enjoy our baby?!
now the kiddos are waiting for gramee and pops to visit in the morning. they have never been with both of their grandchildren at the same time...this will be fun.
our shopping adventure

the pepster

putting her band-aid back on her

my family


a mother's love

big girls

i got it!

so cute!


ok, i know it's kinda weird, but this is really how she pushes a poo out! action shot!

one of my favs!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

HAPPY 6 MONTHS (2 days late)

my baby is 6 months's crazy to think that we have all survived half a year! wow. i must say, she is our pride and joy. when i click on the light in the morning she starts kickin like crazy and smilin/giggling. we praise you Jesus for our LADY BELLE!
this weekend was full of fun. we went to a david crowder band concert/francis chan speaking/asian student conference. yeah, we fit in quite well. cindy, steve and grandma watched the girls for us as we ventured out to LA for the evening. it was great! and it must be said, i moshed for the first time ever...yeah! i was hopin to get some pics but i guess i'll have to put some pics up of our pep squeak!
ray and maria came for a visit

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

pep's room play

we had a lot of fun today hanging out in the nursery...thought i'd share

momma, you done yet?

can you say, baby doll?

wait a minute...

can't we all just LOVE one another?

my girl

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

our happy girl

have i yet to say how taken we are with our daughter? each day my love just grows and grows..ahhh! her personality has just developed so much. she is such a mellow baby...she just pretty much kicks back and goes with the flow...for the most part...but her giggles have really started to come out... last night, we snuck in to check on her before going to bed...her eyes were open and este walked right out after seeing that...well, im trying to hide but i know she sees my legs so i bust out laughing. i go up to her crib and she starts giggling...her little deep giggle. awwww! so we held her and said goodnight again...and she went right back to sleep. how could we NOT be in love. we started her on sweet peas yesterday and added sweet potatoes today. lol...she gagged a lil with the peas, but finished them off for dindin tonight. loved the potatoes :) sooo tonight i leave you with pics AND videos..enjoy!

also, today heidi and i were playing the guitar together and olivia and isabelle BOTH were singing along...isabelle will definitely be a soprano. it was the most precious thing!

Friday, October 2, 2009


just cause i'm in love!