Sunday, September 26, 2010

my 80s workout girl

peppy loves going through her drawers and trying on stuff ... here's one of my favorite looks of hers ;)


Heidi and the kiddos came for the day on thursday. i love them. here's my precious nephew and sister-in-law.


so our peppy girl loves APPLES....which she calls apple-E. she could say it right last week...this week it's different...heehe. anyways, she loves everything but the peel and she is very patient in biting and spitting out the peel to get to the juicy good stuff. here's a pic of the aftermath. this past week she probably ate one a day.

fun wv photos


while in west virginia, we got to see one of my college friends get married. at the wedding i got to see friends i had not seen for 9 years. it was so nice to see our kiddos play together.

peppy's friend and my mom being awesome

visiting with wv family

Saturday, September 25, 2010

wv mountain momma

this girl has west virginia blood in her...yes, absolutely! she loved being outside, even in the rain ;) we had a wonderful time...dont think it could have gone better.

Friday, September 24, 2010

sweetie pie

some fun photos taken before our trip to west virginia...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

the adventures of a momma going to bed

as i was getting myself ready for bed, i began clearing off my bed of a few stuffed animals, peppy's ducky bath towel, a few raisins, some of her clothes she wore today, and a few findings from my nightstand she had grabbed (including a shell...thank you dad)

i went to the closet to separate some clothes so i could put a load in tonight and found some more stuffed animals, some socks that were wet that she had thrown in the tub earlier and a onesie she had snuck in earlier in the day
i see her duck in the middle of our shower (this is not a rubber's her stuffed duck.) when gaga got out of the shower, she decided to go in...and the water that was remaining was "ottt" when id ask her if it was hot she would say so flippantly, "no." alrighty then.
i go to my sock drawer and find it completely opened with about 5 socks on the floor

i walk through the living room and see the bouncy ball we got for 2 dollars today that she kept playing with in target. gaga was pulling the buggy (yes i said buggy) from the front, she was sitting in the buggy and i was walking behind throwing it back and forth to her. after a while it got a little boring to her, i suppose, and she realized it would be more fun to watch momma run in all directions trying to not let the ball hit someone or knock things off the counters. yes, she was throwing it in all sides THAT I WAS NOT ON...but i think we both found it quite funny.

as i reach the kitchen, i see her fingerprints and magnets all over the fridge.

everywhere i go in the house, there are traces that my darling peppy has been there sometime throughout the day. the house is quiet and i realize for the 1,000,000th time today, i am forever in love with this girl. the Lord has been so gracious to me and i am forever thankful.