Thursday, November 18, 2010


or owies as they are stated in our house. yeah, they are no fun and thought i should document a few that have happened in the last month.
owie #1
about a month ago, i had este take peppy down the stairs in good ole piggy back fashion. at that time, we were giving her piggy back rides holding onto her wrists. well, when he put her down on the couch, she had such a confused look on her face and couldn't move her arm...kept it straight...didn't really move her fingers and was crying out "owie." yes, this was an instant cry for the parents. i rushed and called the doctor, while crying, and they said to bring her in. i questioned them and said, "you dont think i should take her to the er?"
the ride there was so sad...she couldn't suck her fingers cause she couldn't move her she couldnt comfort herself.
long story shorter
*her elbow was out of socket
*this happens quite frequently, i now know, to kids her age
*i could not be in the room, so a nurse was outside trying to comfort me
*i heard a scream like i've never heard followed by crying
*went back in the room to a girl with a lollipop
*lollipops are just the bomb
*2 minutes later, peppy running around the room..mommy and daddy still crying

yeah, not fun and it definitely shaved a few years off my life.

owie #2. i was shaving and cut myself around the ankle and put a band aid on it. peppy noticed and i told her, "owie." so...being the amazing first time mom that i am, i put a band aid on her ankle like mommy. not too long after, i put her down for a nap. not too long after that, i heard sobbing coming from her room...i went in there to see what in the world was going on and she looks up to me with her finger pointed at the band aid and she's crying, "owie." i mean, she was crying like she had a cut to the bone owie. i tried to take it off but it wouldn't come off and was actually making an owie. ha! yeah, her owie came off a few days later and i WILL NOT do that again.

owie #3.
two days ago, our family was in a house it was pretty cool. its layout seemed like the rooms never ended...there were just more and more every turn. downstairs, in one of the rooms, there used to be a pool table. evidence of this is the LOW light that hung from the ceiling saying, "pool." ahem. so, i was being my normal self running in front of peppy to hide in the next room. i hear her giggling chatter coming closer. she rounds the corner and i jump out. we are both laughing yet still moving at a jogging pace. as i turn from looking at her, still running forward, i run head in to the corner of that stupid light. i dropped to the floor immediately and wailed. este had not been downstairs yet and hears, from what he described, "a yell/cry like he's never heard me scream." he drops everything he has and runs downstairs having not a clue what he was going to see. isabelle points up to the light and says, "owie." a minute later, i was still on the floor crying but could actually converse and my dear peppy pie crawled into my lap, wrapped her arms around me and began to rock me back and forth. the pain was pretty bad, the rocking was extremely worth it.
the light

our working girl

i'm done with owies for a while.

Monday, November 15, 2010


este and i were discussing on saturday morning what we could do with the kids and i just saw that light in his eyes and knew what he was thinking. he worked so hard preparing all of our food and getting everything ready for us. we finally made it there about 1:30ish. ate our lunch in the car and headed to this place that the kids were clueless about. the first thing we did was watch the christmas parade. when we were waiting for the parade to start, olivia asked, "whats the first song we are gonna sing." its crazy to see kids experience things for the first time because they really are clueless about it. isabelle cried in the beginning and i couldnt figure out why but then i realized that she didnt want the people/things to pass...she wanted more...then i think she figured out more is coming!
they loved the rides! we rode its a small world, the tea cups, dumbo, and the carousel (2 times)
esteban got to meet jake harris from the deadliest catch and we also got to experience the magical "snow" at the end of the night. we had a great time. mega exhausting, but great! can't wait to go back.

waiting for the parade

my loves

our niece, oley


loving the carousel


hats with their names on it

Thursday, November 11, 2010

harvest costume

so, here's the scoop on pep's costume this year. i'm the queen of last minute. i realized that we had a harvest party to go to a week-week 1/2 before halloween. so i started searching online for an outfit for my gal. it's crazy, but you know how you hear girls say about their wedding dress, "i just knew this was the one." well, it's sad to say, but i felt that way about this little lamb costume for isabelle. was sold out for the season. i searched high and low for it on other sites... nothing. i then went and tried to find a costume in some stores around town...nothing compared. so i decided on a poodle costume online, but definitely felt like i was settling. I got an email back the next day saying it was sold out as well. i went on the adventure to make my own little lamb costume. it took me one whole day. it definitely was not perfect, seeing that i did not have a pattern and i am a beginner seamstress ( i did have sewer down but i dont think thats correct)...but i ended up being pleased. i wanted a little lamb, and a little lamb i did get! here's her debut.
wait, wait. i have to mention how awesome my hubby is. when i made her costume, she would not let me put her hood on. lol, she would rip it right off and throw we never saw the finish product on. i was asked to help with the harvest party so i had to be there early. sooooo, my darling husband had to get our lil sugar ready for the party. lollipops are magical at getting little minds off of daddies putting hoods on them. thanks daddy, youre the best!
now, here's her debut...

my darling lil lamb

giving lovies

proud grandpa and grandma


we went on a day trip to julian with our church for a picnic. Grandpa Steve bought peppy a coon hat. love. it. pep loves being outside so she quite enjoyed herself! not to mention 2 of her besties were there, too!
gettin some firewood;)

oh, you know, just listenin to a friend play the harmonica

and here she is with her coon hat

as much as i hate this picture of me, i have to show it because it's pictures like these that make me realize my baby is not a baby anymore. look at those legs!!

a month's worth of photos coming right up

we went to the wild animal park with kim and mady and had a great time. here are some pics!

why does it look like im the only one having fun on this thing?


daddy is such a trooper!

we had to risk life and limb to see these elephants

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

my 80s workout girl

peppy loves going through her drawers and trying on stuff ... here's one of my favorite looks of hers ;)


Heidi and the kiddos came for the day on thursday. i love them. here's my precious nephew and sister-in-law.


so our peppy girl loves APPLES....which she calls apple-E. she could say it right last week...this week it's different...heehe. anyways, she loves everything but the peel and she is very patient in biting and spitting out the peel to get to the juicy good stuff. here's a pic of the aftermath. this past week she probably ate one a day.

fun wv photos


while in west virginia, we got to see one of my college friends get married. at the wedding i got to see friends i had not seen for 9 years. it was so nice to see our kiddos play together.

peppy's friend and my mom being awesome

visiting with wv family