Monday, September 29, 2008

there's a burnin in my bosom!

Oh my heavens! So....the morning sickness has gotten a million and a half times better BUT heart burn has taken over like a wild fire. I am stunned. I haven't even had anything to eat yet today and I already have heartburn. I've never had issues with heartburn and I am very thankful for that now that I know what it's all about. I had heard that some pregnant women deal with it but i guess i was expecting towards the end of my pregnancy...not in my 2nd trimester! Ay yaya!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

week 11

I'm almost done with my first trimester...whew! Praise the Lord for a healthy baby and morning sickness that is decreasing each week. I can actually go out and kinda plan things now. I'm so happy about that and I think este is too!

So I thought the baby was the size of a lime last week but i found a site i really like and it says it's the size of a lime this i'm gonna stick with that. I will use the same site each week for consistency.

I got some "room to grow" pants this weekend...aka maternity jeans. I was not looking forward to seeing what these clothes looked like but they actually have some cute clothes out there. the pants are still a bit big on me. they kinda fall down when i walk or bend over...well really whatever i do...but at least i have room to grow:)

One major thing I have been craving this week is big gum balls! mmmm. you would think they are so easy to find...but they arent. poor este...heeheee.

we are going away for the weekend for our friends' wedding in santa barbara. we are soo excited to get away. hopefully we will get some good pics and i will post them when we get back. also, our office is almost done so i will post pics once that is done as well.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


So, our baby is the size of a strawberry this week...awww! We can't get over how quickly our lil one is growing. Today I had a moment of, "oh my gosh, there's a baby in there!" I really dont think it has actually sunk in. We'll see how long that takes.
Things I've realized this week:
1. I want to purchase everything I've ever wanted before the baby this normal? I'm a total penny pincher. I could eat cereal for every meal if I needed to...or wanted to....but somehow, that has changed a bit and I'm ready to spend our last dime to prepare our house just perfectly before the baby comes. Plus the back yard. Plus we need to get our kitty prepared...shaved, pedicured, ....i dunno, it's weird.
2. One of my new favorite "quick" places to eat...Hawaiian now a place that just the thought of it gives me dry heaves practically. UUUHHHH..
3. I have totally grown a backbone! I'm not normally the person to confront someone face to face about an issue....unless it's a friend, family or hubby:) anyways, this seems to not be an issue, as of me being preggo. and when it happens, it's like an out of body experience...something that is totally foreign to me. lol, hormones are a powerful thing!
4. THE MOST IMPORTANT....i seriously have an exceptional husband that is going to make an amazing father. He has seriously stepped up these last several weeks to take care of me, meals, shopping, my cravings, cleaning the litter:), carrying heavy things, praying over me and baby, holding me, making me laugh, laying in bed with me for literally all day...on one of my "bad" days....i am so amazed and so excited to see how God is going to continue to blossom our relationship. I dont think either one of us has ever felt so content in our relationship...not only content but happy. that's a great word to use. One night when he was praying, it came out in his prayer and it struck me.....when we got married, our desire was for us, as a couple, to magnify the Lord God is adding another person to our family to help us magnify Him! how incredible is that. Not only is it going to be our child, but someone we can worship the Lord with. ahhhh..just the thought.
soooo...this week has been a bit enlightening. :) (please pray that my nausea goes away's a struggle)

Thursday, September 4, 2008



Wednesday, September 3, 2008


As you probably know, we found out we were having a baby while we were back in WV less than a month ago. I was definitely in shock when we found out, but soon after, we started getting excited about our lil one. We have definitely been praying for a healthy pregnancy and a perfectly healthy baby. We would love for you to join with us in praying over the next several months.

Our first doctors appointment was Aug. 29th. We found out that I was, at that time, 7 weeks and 2 days (cause we were a bit clueless). We got to see our baby and watch the heart flutter. At that time, i believe our baby was the size of a blueberry, half an inch. It has been totally amazing reading about how big the baby is and what part of the body is developing each week. We have definitely had a new sense of "aww" towards the Lord and His handiwork. It's amazing to think that He is fashioning this child in my belly. Praise God!

Morning sickness has really kicked in over the last 2 weeks. It has been a roller coaster physically. I just keep telling myself that it should get better in a month. And the more sick I get, the less prepared I feel for having a baby...maybe cause i feel like throwing up most of the time.:)

I will try and be better with keeping this updated...we did get 2 pics of the lil one but if i scanned them...well, just imagine a tiny oval...and that's what you have. i think those pics probably mean more to us than they would anybody. still cant believe a lil someone is in there. Este has already started tellin our baby about Jesus...he ended the conversation by saying, "ill tell you more later." what a good daddy he'll be.

Our next doctor's visit is in about 4 weeks and we should get to hear the heart beat that time:) once my bump starts showing i'll be posting i just look and feel really bloated...ugghh...totally ready for maternity clothes already! :)