Monday, December 30, 2013

My little boy

I look at you and can not imagine what my life would be like without you in it.  How could I go throughout the day without seeing you do your little shuffle walk as you motion to me with your hand and say, "i show you." Or doing your funny walk...learned by the master himself, your daddy.  What about hearing all your cute little words thrown out throughout the day? "i humwee" when you need a snack, "PANE!" when you hear something up in the sky, "sissy, sissy!" when you want to show her something...but there is a special way you do your s's that nobody can imitate. i love that about you.  A common thing heard around the house these days is hearing you sing "parumpapapum."  Daddy or I will sing the other parts when we notice you singing it and you interject your parumpapaums just perfectly in the exact place they belong and usually pretty close to the tune.  When we are in the car, and we see some christmas lights, we can bank on it that out of your precious little mouth will come, " mo lights." I love that you respond "cubby" when asked what your name is.  And that when I whisper I love you, you answer "i love you" with a whisper as well.  Or if I mouth you some words across the table with no noise and you absolutely have no clue what i'm saying because i'm not saying anything, you play along and lip some nonwords right back at me.  I love that you still think your pointer fingers are your thumbs.  You have the cutest thumbs up. ever.  You have a soft spot in your heart for babies.  Especially Brissy and you'll protect her from all other people. Especially those nursery kids who want to give her a toy or a kiss.  You are doing well, my son.  You also adore your big sissy.  You love to hide with her, tackle her and do every little thing she does (and says).  She's your bff and I think that's just grand.  I love that when you hear your daddy unlock the door as he comes home, you dont run to him but run to the bathroom to hide with us (mommy, sissy and brissy) so he will come find us and scare us (especially brissy) and then we can be all giddy and laughy and begin a chase around the house.  I love how you want 2 of everything, mainly mommys green tea mints that our family is addicted to.
I love that I have had 2 years to get to study you, care for you, love you and know you.  You are my son, and I am taken with you. I love you! Happy 2nd Birthday, Samuel Josiah.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

My little man cub

We were at Goodwin's Organic Foods a few evenings ago to eat before going to check out the lights at the Mission Inn.  Este was away getting some drinks for us, the kids were in their seats and I was up doing something.  I saw out of the corner of my eye Samuel pulling my chair.  As I got closer I saw that he moved it right next to him and he said, "right here!" as he pointed down to the chair.  I sat down and he held out his hands and said, "pray." We held hands, he bowed his head and said Jesus and a few other words that I couldn't understand (maybe food) and then amen. He looked up, smiled and dug into his food.
My heart. Oh this child has my heart.  And I pray that his little heart would catch a glimpse of Jesus and run hard after Him for all of his life.  Praying that he continues to help "lead" these gals when his daddy has stepped away:)