Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Don't give up on me!!!

I will try and get better at being regular at posting pics and etc. We have just been busy...period.
My brother and his family came to visit us and it was wonderful. We got to watch our lil Olive for a whole day by ourselves and she is a NUT. Now granted, I know I'm easy, but she had me in tears laughing so much! We had a great time being able to spend some time with billy and heidi and can't wait for their next visit...Theo def. misses the playtime!
I had an ultrasound on Tuesday. You can pray for our girl because her brain ventricles measured a little on the large side...they said nothing to worry about, yet. Should they even be allowed to say that to a mother? They wouldnt really tell me what that, if you would just pray that it will turn out to be absolutely nothing, that would be great.
Esteban and I went to our first birthing class tonight. I LOVED it. Our teacher is great, funny, and gives out awesome homework. Our homework for the week is to give each other 3 massages throughout the week...are you serious??? alright!!! It's kinda funny to see a lot of preggos in the same room. Like something is wrong with us that they have to group us together..hehee.
Our crib came in this week and we put it together last night. I will post a picture with it "pre-put-together"...we are anxious to get all the parts to her room and set it up! Hopefully her bedding and the changing table will come in in the next week or so.
Oh yeah, we also got our kitty shaved last week. He was sooo mad ...I think his haircut is starting to grow on us. I will be sure to get some good pics of him, too.
That's all for now:)
We all napped together during nap time...Olivia fell asleep on Uncle Ecky's shoulder. Man, how this makes me miss her!

and when I say we ALL napped together, that's Theo included!

Look at those lil pj pants (the ones I thought were "lets go out to a restaurant in these")

beautiful family!

Love this! Baby is looking, but mom and dad are distracted by the boom box guy telling some random person that they can't smoke!

So, here's a glimpse of our paint and the pieces of our crib

The love of my life by my side!

Monday, February 16, 2009

So I've been told...

...I'm nesting. I know I have had a lack of blogging, but trust me, I've been busy. I will give a short recap of what's been going on since the last entry.

Este and I went to the mountains with his dad, stepmom, aunt and uncle. It snowed the whole time! We got to relax the whole weekend and got to have some good chats with the fam. His aunt and stepmom threw us a little baby shower while we were there. It was sooo sweet and we got some great stuff, too!

After the mountains, we had a list to attack....and that we did! The garage is finito! The nursery is painted and has molding up, I got a rocking chair we are waiting for all the furniture and bedding to come. We got all of our windows cleaned this weekend...which had not been done since we got our house...2 1/2 years ago. I cleaned out the pantry and some more drawers/cabinets. whew...we've been busy! Not including work!

I am 31 weeks (until wednesday) and I experienced something new this baby got the hiccups! It was crazy, but I loved it. It's amazing to watch my tummy as she moves in there. It's getting more interesting, that's for sure.

We went out for Vday to our favorite Thai restaurant and the wait was 40 minutes. A couple gave up their seats to us...I told este to stick with me and I'll get him in on some pregnancy privileges. It's crazy how pregnancy and babies strike up the most interactive conversations. We talked with that couple the whole time we were waiting for our table. By time we left the place, we felt like we had made about 6 new friends b/c of pple asking about the baby, etc.'s a good conversation starter, I suppose. Definitely something that women can relate to once they have gone through it!

We are now anxiously waiting my brother, sister-in-law, and niece to arrive on Wednesday:)

(Have I said how much I totally detest these pregnancy pictures?)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

30 WEEKS!!!!

I know, I know....I was horrible to the 29th nuttin! BUT it has been a good week! I am30 weeks today and will post a picture this week of my, everything!
We purchased our very first thing for our lil one this past Saturday. Her crib, changing table, bedding and room accessories are on their way! What a relief that is. Our friend, Ken, is coming tomorrow to work on the room and get it ready for painting! Another friend, Tish, is coming next week to paint. Whew...never thought we'd get there.
We have been massively "internally" cleaning our home. Our new rule in the house: If we haven't used it in a year, we never will....get it out! Hence, the trash man hates us! He even left one of the bags on the ground after it fell off....grrr. The next thing on the list is the garage....I soooo hope to get to it before the weekend...we are going to the mountains with Este's dad and Maria!
Another major project of mine was to go through all of our digital pictures (1,000's) and get them printed and some blown up for around the house. We recently just recovered our honeymoon pictures for 1800 dollars and we are not doin that again! Anyways, it has taken me hours but i am, for the most part, finished. I have around 900 coming to our house next week. I saved some christmas money to do this and even have some left over for frames.
I also wrote my lil girl a letter today to go into her special box. Wow, I realized something about myself that, I think, has really helped me. I realized that a lot of my fear that I have had in the last couple of months, is fear of failure...especially of failing her. I want her to have the perfect mom that knows her needs and always directs her to the Lord...yet I know my faults and weaknesses and it has made me feel disappointed in myself already. BUT this is a good thing, b/c I can now address the issue with my loving FATHER who lavishes new mercy on me each morning. Anyways, it was CRAZY to write her a letter and I think I realized how in love with her I am, already.
Tomorrow (FEB 5th) Esteban and I will have been married for 4 years. I can't get over it. It really seems as if we have been together since birth...we just know each other that well...but at the same time, 4! The one thing I LOVE about our marriage is that when people ask how we got together (which is pretty much everyone, when they find out I'm from WV) the Lord is always the big part of the story. He's the one who coordinated the whole thing and there's no denying Him...absolutely none. How amazing is that to have a love story that always gives glory to God. Thankyou Jesus!
Well, we do have to work tomorrow but we are both going and getting 1 1/2 hour massages (partly thanks to my mom and dad:) OOOOHHH, I'm so excited. I went to get a pedicure with a friend last week...which I haven't had for 2 years...and I about melted in my chair when they touched my feet. :)
So, for memory sake (and b/c I have all these pics now) lets reminisce....

Dating, in Mexico

My first visit to Cali...watching my first sunset over the ocean

My dream day...

Holding a SLOTH in Costa Rica on our honeymoon...and that's our taxi driver:)


Grand Canyon

San Francisco

The birthday gift that keeps giving...

HEY>>>no laughing, he has grown into his feet!


Venice, Italy

Just to share a few:)