Monday, February 16, 2009

So I've been told...

...I'm nesting. I know I have had a lack of blogging, but trust me, I've been busy. I will give a short recap of what's been going on since the last entry.

Este and I went to the mountains with his dad, stepmom, aunt and uncle. It snowed the whole time! We got to relax the whole weekend and got to have some good chats with the fam. His aunt and stepmom threw us a little baby shower while we were there. It was sooo sweet and we got some great stuff, too!

After the mountains, we had a list to attack....and that we did! The garage is finito! The nursery is painted and has molding up, I got a rocking chair we are waiting for all the furniture and bedding to come. We got all of our windows cleaned this weekend...which had not been done since we got our house...2 1/2 years ago. I cleaned out the pantry and some more drawers/cabinets. whew...we've been busy! Not including work!

I am 31 weeks (until wednesday) and I experienced something new this baby got the hiccups! It was crazy, but I loved it. It's amazing to watch my tummy as she moves in there. It's getting more interesting, that's for sure.

We went out for Vday to our favorite Thai restaurant and the wait was 40 minutes. A couple gave up their seats to us...I told este to stick with me and I'll get him in on some pregnancy privileges. It's crazy how pregnancy and babies strike up the most interactive conversations. We talked with that couple the whole time we were waiting for our table. By time we left the place, we felt like we had made about 6 new friends b/c of pple asking about the baby, etc.'s a good conversation starter, I suppose. Definitely something that women can relate to once they have gone through it!

We are now anxiously waiting my brother, sister-in-law, and niece to arrive on Wednesday:)

(Have I said how much I totally detest these pregnancy pictures?)


Anonymous said...

I think you look beautiful! It's getting closer:) Can't wait to see pics of the baby's room! hint hint lol!!

Anonymous said...

Tell Nina I love her. I wish I could feel her move. Isn't it a wonderful feeling?

G. Sprouse

Brent and Abigail said...

i love your pregnancy pictures. beautiful as always. can't wait to see the baby's room. and if you feel the need to clean want to come help me clean my closets? first warm day we're also tackling the garage. which is funny since the baby wont be playing in there but its top on my things to do :) love you and have fun with olivia, heidi and bill