Tuesday, April 19, 2011

butterflies, flowers, and smiles

we celebrated isabelle on saturday with family and peppy's friends. it was fun b/c, unlike last year, this year she had friends to invite. what fun!
i'm not going to write too much b/c i have so many pictures and peppy could wake up at any time right now.
judy, the queen of baking, researched the cake and cupcakes we did...and the "girls" came over the night before the party and made it happen.

my project: her dress. it stayed on for 1/2 hour. longer than i thought it would :)

she was caught red handed opening presents!

so a couple of her friends let her open their present (the next outfit she wore)

and she went back to opening presents in the corner

so far, i could not get her to stop until...judy comes in with a chocolate cake and isabelle stood up and followed judy to not return to the presents for a few hours. (background info: when we go to aunt judy's house, she always expects a cake or pie. we even were at the farmers market with auntie and uncle franky and she looks at judy and says "apple pie.") she's a girl after my own heart and she knows the best place to get it!
we would try and keep track of her but with 50+ pple there it was hard. but we always found her around friends and taken care of.

just taking a moment to soak in all the fun :)

angela, the one who can get isabelle to keep a clip in her hair

the goodies

uncle franky

we sang twice to her b/c she had two cakes. why not? it was her special celebration and this is one of her fav parts!

quite satisfied

this girl refuses to smile for most pictures.


beautiful women in my life

she was so worried the balloon would fly away


the hit of the day...this and the castle jumper

all the kids "helped" her open presents. this was a very chaotic moment at the party.

stealing some time with his girl

look how hard she tried to smile. so proud of her!

still trying!

her new apron from...guess who? aunt judy!

this thing was awesome

i find this pic so funny. she was soooo excited and could not stay still....at least the ladies got in the picture (even though my wrist looks broken! haha!)

her best bud, quinn

her protectors :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

celebrating the day of her birth

even though we are going to celebrate on saturday, i'm all about birthdays and feeling special so i thought, why not celebrate a few times. i was so excited to go in her room and sing happy birthday to her when she woke up until...este and i opened her door and began singing and she immediately shook her head and said no. okay, so my little perfect birthday celebration bubble burst pretty early in the day. but it got much better. by the end of the day when we put a candle on a brownie she had "helped" me bake earlier, and we (este, quinn and myself) sang to her, she shined like she was a rock star....and we did that same thing at least four times until she had no more bits of brownie to stand the candle up with. i tried to take pictures throughout the day of our birthday adventures...here they be!
just woke up and running to her presents

she "helped" me fix pancakes for breakfast

played with her new kitchen a lot of the morning (i thought this would be great for her to play with while i get things done...but no, she insisted "mommy sit down!" i must admit though, i kinda got into it!)

she even got some reading in between all the activities!

we went to the park

made brownies

took a bath then got "pretty" in the mirror

saw grandpa and grandma for a little bit and ate pizza and brownie with her best bud, quinn. all in all, a fun day was had by all!

because of you...

because of you, sweet isabelle faith...
*i now plan not to plan
*i clean to see it unclean within a minute (tell me the truth! do you have a stopwatch and are you trying to beat your quickest time?)
*i get dressed up to realize my lip gloss has been smeared by your wet kisses, there's a smudge on my shirt from your hands, and i have a sticker on the bottom of my shoe i've been walking around with since who knows when
*i open my chapstick at night to see chuncks taken out
*i now take "quick errands* that are NEVER quick
*i get help from you which pretty much is the opposite of help
*i discipline throughout the day to you who so now how to make me smile and laugh at the most *convenient* of times
*i play hide and seek throughout the day. i usually am seeking to find where you are hiding because you are doing something you know you shouldn't be (now refer back to the previous *)
*i take out warm clothes from the dryer and can't fold them because they MUST go straight on top of you.

i want you to know that you are the one that can cause all of the above and make me LOVE like i've never, make me smile like i've never, make me excited like i've never, make me proud like i've never, make me cry like i've never, make me cling to our Jesus like i've never, make me wanna be the best Spirit-filled woman ever...each and every day! you, my dear, can get away with all of these things and somehow, someway, they make me love you that much more.
i will never be able to get tight enough hugs from you, wet enough kisses from you, enough "i wuv you" from you, "hold you" from you, "one more song" from you, "mommy dance" from you....i will never be able to soak enough of you in to be satisfied. i love you and will love you forever. happy birthday, my adored two year old.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

wordless wednesday with a few words

i just have to share how faithful our God is. this morning i was praying about specific things and 10 minutes later i realized He has answered and provided. our Lord is forever faithful!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Favs and Photos

A few favorites from the last few weeks:
*isabelle will jump out at us and say "TA DAH!"
*i went to two different ladies conferences the last few weeks. they were amazing. God was amazing. i am so blessed
*speaking of the Lord, I've really been enjoying His company these last few weeks. about a week 1/2 ago I got a one year bible. i feel as if my life has forever been changed. it has been so good for me. It has been challenging finding my own set time to be with the Lord since being a momma. i've tried different things but i think i've found the time and place i love. getting up before isabelle in the morning, going into our comfy guest room, in a comfy big chair, an ipod to begin worship, my prayer/note journal that Augusta gave me years ago, and my one year bible. (if you have a hard time being consistent...get one of these bibles, pick a place where it's your own personal place to be with God...one that is quiet and comfy. have your stuff already there. your bible, pens/pencils, journal, music, and maybe even a to do list cause things you have to do during the day will always come up in your time with God. when they do, write them down, and you wont have to think of them until you're done.)
whew, that was a long favorite
*i adore my husband. remember how i said i went to two conference in less than a month. thanks to his willingness (and cindy and steve's willingness) to take care of my pepita so i can go and get recharged. I've been so blessed.
*my in laws which i now want to call in loves. you know, my mother in love...etc. yeah, i heard that at one of the conferences. anyways, they are always more than willing to take our peppy so we can spend time together or get work done.
*getting ready for our organic garden. it will happen this year!

now for the pics
when peppy is a professional soccer player...this will make us millions ;)

daddy and daughter love

grandpa and the pepster