Sunday, February 27, 2011

schedule, kinda

read a chapter in a book about how children thrive on schedules/routines. i know i do but sometimes its hard when you stay at home. while i haven't set a strict schedule for the pep and i, i have decided on certain things i want to incorporate in our day. 1. independent play 2. reading time. both have worked out pretty well this past week. it's been interesting to see what peppy choses to do during independent play. usually i am cleaning upstairs and she has full reign of the play room, hall bathroom, guest bedroom and her room. one day, i passed by the play room and heard her singing and talking to her doll baby, on her lap on the bed. a while later she came out and said "potty" and put the baby on her lil froggy potty. then she said, "bath." i let her get in the tub and pretend she was washing baby. so much fun for me to watch!
reading time has worked best if i lay a blanket out with pillows, a snack and her baby and woobie.

she has now perfected the somersault

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

wordless wednesday's

because i want to be more consistent with blogging, i've decided to try out what everyone in the blogging world chimes, "wordless wednesday." my next wednesday wont have any words :)

we'll see what other days i'll get into ;)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


My lovely mother turned 60 on Feb. 7th, so peppy and i decided to pay her a surprise visit. our ticket cost a whoppin 10 dollars b/c of our frequent flyer miles. it worked out great.
my dad booked a room at the blennerhassett hotel (the hotel este and i stayed in on our wedding night 6 years and a day before) it was wonderful...candies, flowers, sparkling juice, dinner, etc.

happy birthday nana!

playing at the mall

snow time ! my dad had such a great time with her in the snow! hahaa.

and then the hot chocolate treat after being in the snow...she called it her coffee.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Ever so loving
Sparkle in your eyes
Teachable heart
Enveloping hug
Always leading our family
Never swaying

Amazing daddy
Best kisser
A servant
Zealous for our God

Victorious..oh yes, b/c of the Lord
Adorable laugh
Easily makes me smile/laugh
Never lies
Zips your pants...
Um, never
Extremely handsome
Lives for Jesus
Always loving on our peppy

you are truly a dream come true. you are my valentine. i celebrate you and our love today.
From: Your Valentine

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

d to the land

a few days ago, we decided around noon to go to disneyland. so glad we did. each month that peppy gets older, it gets more fun to go with her. no meltdowns this time...well, not with me. sorry daddy, i had to go to the restroom!

she actually loves wearing her sunglasses and will leave them on. i love that.

waiting in line for "its a small world." she was eating a frozen banana and waving at everyone in the boats going by. she would yell out, "hi!" funny enough, a lot of the pple in the boats would respond and she kinda acted like it was no big deal. of course they'd all pay attention to her!

dogs and dirt

grandpa ray came to visit about a week ago and brought his dog, maxx. peppy loves maxx...and she loves being outside. it was a good afternoon.

oh child of mine

in the past few weeks, she has taken to fixing us "soup" and 'cake" in her house outside. hmmm.. is this a tell tale (is that how you spell that?) of what we eat a lot of??? well, we don't usually allow cake in our house...cause that's just dangerous..however she has been to enough birthday parties that she knows once we sing the birthday song, there is cake nearby. we called a friend on the phone and sang him happy birthday. once we were done singing (we were in the car) she said, "cake!" hehee! anyways, i love seeing her use her imagination :)