Tuesday, February 1, 2011

d to the land

a few days ago, we decided around noon to go to disneyland. so glad we did. each month that peppy gets older, it gets more fun to go with her. no meltdowns this time...well, not with me. sorry daddy, i had to go to the restroom!

she actually loves wearing her sunglasses and will leave them on. i love that.

waiting in line for "its a small world." she was eating a frozen banana and waving at everyone in the boats going by. she would yell out, "hi!" funny enough, a lot of the pple in the boats would respond and she kinda acted like it was no big deal. of course they'd all pay attention to her!


Regi:Create said...

We had soooo much fun with our passes last year. Are you guys pass people? I should save my pennies for another one so we can be disney buddies.

tifi*cha cha* said...

Yessss! save yo pennies, girl! we got them like in november/dec and have been probably 5 times already. totally worth it!

Anonymous said...

Hey I want to go too. Do they have any discounts for West Virginians? It would be so much fun to watch her expressions seeing everything in Disney.

G. Sprouse