Monday, October 24, 2011

our lil worshipper

i have begun to nest. i honestly didn't think it was going to happen this time around but it has. and im loving it. i was cleaning out peppy's closet, she got out "our daily bread" and started worshipping our Lord. this had gone on for a while before este came in and started recording. it's more like cheering towards the end :) love her.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

raise the banner high

2 Chronicles 20:17 (the word from our Lord)
"You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the LORD is with you.”

This chapter has been the foundation of our hope in our mighty God since close to the beginning of our trial. While we had never heard it, or remembered the story, before our trial, it began to come up in our lives so often that there was no way it was mere coincidence. Our despair began to spread out into this new found hope that maybe the Lord was preparing this amazing battle victory and we just had to position ourselves in faith and watch His mighty hand do what our Mighty God had planned before the foundations of this world to do in this monumental mountain in our lives.

There have been so many times where I have pleaded with God to end this pain, whether by taking us out of this situation or taking our lives out of this earth. The pain has been extraordinary. Our God, His Word and His comfort...even more extraordinary. As children who play the game where they twist each other's arms until the other cries out "UNCLE!"...i feel as if i have screamed out to the Living God "UNCLE! UNCLE! MERCY! HAVE MERCY ON MY FAMILY!"

As the years passed, and our flesh longed to find hope in man's words, we have come to CLING to the powerful and true words of our God, our LIVING hope. While our emotions can take us through loops and turns like a roller coaster, God's word holds firm...never changing...never losing it's power or absolute truth and promise in our lives.

Today could be the day that the hand that is twisting our arm is let loose...where God at the end of our plea to have mercy says, "alright, my children, today is the day you receive that mercy."

We have positioned ourselves, lets see if today was meant to be our day of we sing "allelu"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

San Fran

Esteban's grandparents threw an anniversary/birthday party a few weekends ago close to san francisco. they were great and accomodated us for a long weekend. Esteban surprised me one of the days by going to the bridge and then to eat at a diner we saw the night before on diners, drive-ins and dives.

Steve's family is a dancing family! I love it...and so does our lil danceroo. She danced most the night...until bedtime.
oma and the pep

she loved one of her cousins, corey...but would call him quarry

dancing with the girls

new shoes....

dancing with grandpa


a sight i will never get sick of seeing in the morning.

Flower Girl

Peppy's favorite person at our church is one of the nursery coordinators (until she got married and moved away) whose name is Miranda. Peppy is always asking bout her and LOOOVESS her to pieces. She asked pep this summer to be her flower girl...and of course, isabelle accepted. Pep LOOOOVVVVEEEDD saying that she was Miranda's flower girl and would practice here at home. She did a great job! Here are a few pictures!
waiting for the ceremony to begin. it was extremely hot (reason for red cheeks) and she realized her hair pretty was soft and silky. what are we gonna do with this girl??

doin her thing. she seriously thought this day was hers.

the bride and her dad

chattin it up with the father of the bride

im a cutie and i know it!!!


It is CRAZY having a pregnant mind that forgets EVERYTHING and a toddler who likes to hide things.
When I can't find something that I need, my first guess is not what did peppy do with it. Honestly, it's either who stole it or what in the world did i do with it. hahaa. Anyways, this can tend to make me a bit crazy at times b/c i seriously feel as if i have lost my mind when i have searched every place that i know of for certain items.
Need examples? Here are a few.
* B/c this girl is such a weed at growing, she has one pair of sandals that still fit, actually in the last few weeks they are starting to get a little small but hoping they will last till the end of the heat, and don't go in between her toes. A few weeks ago, she had a blister around her big toe and so I needed her to wear these one sandals so they wouldn't hurt her. i could not find them ANYWHERE. i even asked grandma to see if they were at her house...but no luck. my next thought...who stole them. lol...this is kinda joking but kinda not. :) i can't remember (there goes my brain) if it was that day or a few days later but i lifed up her carrier that's on her bike and TA DAH! there they were, nice and tidy...right where she had left them.
* it seems as if her juicy cups are constantly disappearing. nothing i put much thought into but i get rather annoyed when i need one and can't find one. i was putting up laundry the other day and opened este's sock drawer...TA DAH...there was one, tucked right in. (she finds our drawers great "beds" for her babies and i guess she was pretending her milk was a baby one day????)
* So, several days last week i was looking for a little sweater i wear ALL.THE.TIME. since being clothes choice here at home is to the minimum. i seriously put our bedroom/closet upside down looking for this thing on a few occassions. i thought i must have gone crazy. two days ago, i was putting some of the baby's clothes in one of our guest closets. TA DAH. i found a dress, shirt and that sweater in a pile. i then remember last week, while i was separating clothes into piles to wash, peppy decided to take some clothes and make her own pile...i just never saw where that pile went.

shall i now begin to list the things i'm still waiting to happen upon...
...and why is it that i have to smile when i find these things? it's because she has my heart...or as she would say, "you have my heart!"


we all have questions, a lot of us have deep spiritual questions we would like to seek out. this, i believe, is common...however, when it comes out of my 2 year old's mouth, it is quite shocking.
question #1. (from last week)
I jump on the couch and lay next to peppy.
Isabelle: i have a good question for you?
Mommy: okay...
Isabelle: what is eternity?
Mommy: stumbling around words thinking there is no way my child just asked me this so i repeated her.
Isabelle: shook her head yes and was waiting for an answer.
Mommy: let's go see daddy!
We went and got daddy and he began to explain to her. she got a blanket, laid down in her bed and listened to him (and repeated everything he was saying to me...who was next to her still quite shocked) when he was done explaining she asked him to tell her another story about Jesus.

question/statement #2. (today in the car going to story time at the library)
Isabelle: "Mommy, I'm not going to go to hell?."
Mommy: (not remembering a time i mentioned hell to her, thinkin she is quite young to grasp it) stumbling over my words, i repeated what she said to make sure that was it. sure enough, she repeated herself. so i got to explain to her about Jesus and if we accept Him we won't go to hell.
whewwww. i seriously am wondering if the Holy Spirit is stirring in her heart her need for the Lord. am i crazy???? maybe, but i hear these things comin outta her mouth and I'm wonderin what all the Lord has planned for my sweet Peppy. Jesus, keep working in her heart!!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New update

Just found out that the thing tomorrow(Wednesday) has been delayed till later next week. To all of you who have been praying...thankyou. May the Lord bless you for your kindness!

Monday, September 26, 2011


one of the insurance prayer requests is being delayed for 14 days...we can deal with this one.
the other one has been approved, praise the Lord!
thank you for praying. please keep it up :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week of Miracles

We are praying for miracle after miracle in this coming week. I ask that you all join us in agreeing for these things in our lives.
While I can't go into detail about what's going on, for those of you who do not know, we have been in a trial in our lives for 2 1/2 years and this coming Wednesday could possibly be the end of it...if that's in God's plan. We have been told it's not likely but we know that our God is the God that works against the odds...the God of miracles and that's just what we are asking Him for.
Specific days for prayer.
Monday: There are 2 things involving insurance related things (2 totally different issues) but we need them both to be approved. Please pray for favor and approval.
Wednesday: A meeting that could result in the furtherance of our trial or the removal of it. We are pleading with the Lord that it's the removal of it. Will we stop having faith if it's not the end this week? nahh, but Lord have mercy on our family!!!
This past Wednesday, our pastor was talking about believing God's promises...and how the lack of this kept the Israelites from the promised land. May we not be found to be an unbelieving people, may we pray believing and clinging to the promises of our Jehovah-Jireh.
I will update later in the week. Thank you so much. May the Lord bless you as you stand in the gap for us.

Friday, September 9, 2011

terms of endearment

at our house, we use all kinds of terms of endearment. baby, honey, dollface, lovey..etc etc. while in wv, my mom went shopping and brought back some surprises for peppy. she ran outside and said, "thankyou my wife." it took a few times of her saying this to understand what she was saying.
last night, at the dinner table, i gave her something and she said, "thankyou my wife." probably b/c of esteban saying something similar, she refers to "my wife" as a term of endearment. i love some point we will have to correct her but until then, i'll be her wife :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

more fun

4 wheeler rides


visiting a semi-local wetland

lots of running

making homemade ice cream

time with extended family
(releasing pigeons)

hangin with cousins

sprinkler fun-aka watering the grass that needed watered ;)

finding things in the creek

my country man

oh mom, you know...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


We went to the pool that I used to go to when I was a kid while in WV. It brought back lots of memories. Pep had a great time!

getting messy while eating smores round the campfire

Hotel Sprouse and Petting Zoo Lane

Pops and Nana took about the first half of the year and completely gutted and remodeled their house. This was the first time for us to the see the completed project. It seriously felt like we were in a was great! Peppy especially liked the jacuzzi bathtub

Soon after being in WV, we realized how much our lil woman seriously LOVES bugs and animals. And she really is not pleased unless she gets to hold them...looking at them just will not do. Every day, her and pops would go out butterfly catching and bug hunting. One of her favorites were horse flies. After dad would catch one, she would say, "it needs its diaper changed" and go carry it and do whatever was in her lil mind to do.

on the hunt

One day, pep was showing me her stash of bugs she had by a tree in the front yard. As we were walking back, she stopped and pointed and i realized i was about to step on a green snake!!! She was excited while mommy was freaking out yelling for help.

this is just to prove that this california boy got country-ized this visit. He was out catching butterflies more than isabelle and when he heard we had a snake he came runnin out and holding it. i love it!

My parents neighbors have chickens, dogs, goats, cats...hmmm...probably more. they have a lot of stuff. While there, peppy got to pet a one day old baby goat, 6 week old kittens and an 8 week old puppy.

granny got to hold the puppy and kitties too

i promise, the kitty was breathing :/