Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Flower Girl

Peppy's favorite person at our church is one of the nursery coordinators (until she got married and moved away) whose name is Miranda. Peppy is always asking bout her and LOOOVESS her to pieces. She asked pep this summer to be her flower girl...and of course, isabelle accepted. Pep LOOOOVVVVEEEDD saying that she was Miranda's flower girl and would practice here at home. She did a great job! Here are a few pictures!
waiting for the ceremony to begin. it was extremely hot (reason for red cheeks) and she realized her hair pretty was soft and silky. what are we gonna do with this girl??

doin her thing. she seriously thought this day was hers.

the bride and her dad

chattin it up with the father of the bride

im a cutie and i know it!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable!!!!!!! You never know how a child is going to act when the day comes for the wedding. She knows how to play to the crowd I am sure (She is her mother's daughter).

G. Sprouse