Wednesday, September 28, 2011


we all have questions, a lot of us have deep spiritual questions we would like to seek out. this, i believe, is common...however, when it comes out of my 2 year old's mouth, it is quite shocking.
question #1. (from last week)
I jump on the couch and lay next to peppy.
Isabelle: i have a good question for you?
Mommy: okay...
Isabelle: what is eternity?
Mommy: stumbling around words thinking there is no way my child just asked me this so i repeated her.
Isabelle: shook her head yes and was waiting for an answer.
Mommy: let's go see daddy!
We went and got daddy and he began to explain to her. she got a blanket, laid down in her bed and listened to him (and repeated everything he was saying to me...who was next to her still quite shocked) when he was done explaining she asked him to tell her another story about Jesus.

question/statement #2. (today in the car going to story time at the library)
Isabelle: "Mommy, I'm not going to go to hell?."
Mommy: (not remembering a time i mentioned hell to her, thinkin she is quite young to grasp it) stumbling over my words, i repeated what she said to make sure that was it. sure enough, she repeated herself. so i got to explain to her about Jesus and if we accept Him we won't go to hell.
whewwww. i seriously am wondering if the Holy Spirit is stirring in her heart her need for the Lord. am i crazy???? maybe, but i hear these things comin outta her mouth and I'm wonderin what all the Lord has planned for my sweet Peppy. Jesus, keep working in her heart!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is listening to all the conversations going on around her. How did she remember the word "eternity". Amazing.

G. Sprouse