Monday, July 2, 2012

The Sam Sam - 6 months

On the 30th, Samuel reached his first half birthday. I seriously could not be more in love with this child. This little guy is truly amazing. If my heart was able to smile, it would be smiling every time I'm around him. He is the best baby. Maybe cause he did his time of "fussy" during his first 3 months on earth but after that time was up, he bacame an angel. He is so chill, so laid back. We take him everywhere. In the car, friends houses, church, work, outside, pool, camping, hotels, restaurants...etc. So easy.
We did babywise with Isabelle and she started sleeping 12 hours a night by herself sometime during her 4th month. Well, I had basically lost my confidence in babywise with the Sammy. He was just a bit different..more stubborn and taking more time. At about 3 1/2 months he was going to sleep at 7:00pm and then I'd feed him (he basically slept through it) at 10:00 pm then hed sleep till 7:00. I had tried to skip the 10:00pm one since he never woke up for it, but it just didn't happen. I thought we'd never get there...a month late,r a few days before he was 5 months, i tried to see how he'd do going from feeding every 3 hours to every 4 hours. Ever since, he slept 12 hours throughout the night and hasn't looked back. I'm a happy momma that gets my hubby to myself after 7 every evening. I appreciate his support in encouraging me to trust the process of this...wouldn't have been able to do it without him.
So what's my little 6 monther up to?
*Sammy wakes up smiling or talking. I so enjoy going in and picking him up. He feels so good in my arms. It's like the Lord created his body to fit in the mold of my body. It's just so right.
* He has not been scared of anybody. Peppy was so scared of most men...not him. Like I said, he's chill.
* He loves grabbing and chewing on his feet...and those feet are so ticklish. I can get him laughing so much by biting on his feet, tickling him under his arms and under his neck. That laugh is adorable...and he finds his sissy to be the funniest of us all. she can jump and he thinks its the funniest thing ever.
* I haven't started to feed him yet. Why? I'm lazy and he's still cool with just breastmilk. Once I start food for him he will have stinky poop and I will have to start buying and bringing with me baby food.
* I can't believe I'm about to say this but .... he also is a finger sucker. It's unreal. Peppy...her right two middle fingers. Samuel...his left pointer and middle finger.
* He LOVES to be sung to. Especially "from the rising of the sun." He instantly starts smiling. He also loves for me to play the guitar.
*He has begun the grabby stage. I can no longer sit at the table with him on my lap without him grabbing everything possible. It happened overnight so it seemed. yikes.
*He is a daddy's boy. Anytime he sees or hears his daddy he smiles from ear to ear. It is quite adorable.
*People ask me so often if he ever cries. I lie. I tell them he has never cried or pooped.
*There's this precious smile/smirk he gives me that I'm in love with. He tucks his chin in and looks at me out of the upper corner of his eyes and just smiles.
*He has no teeth but has been chewing and drooling like he's about to get one for a few months now.
This little guy has blown our minds. Didn't think it was possible to be so in love with another child but it has happened. I love my family.