Friday, April 23, 2010

my fav thing right now

one of my favorite times each day (night) is the time este and i are going to bed. we always go in and check on our baby and it's like she enjoys knowing that we will come in at some point and check on her. 1/2 the time she stays asleep and the other half of the time she'll sit up or roll over, give a big smile and we'll hold her for a minute. we'll tuck her back into bed and off to sleep she goes again. it's the most precious thing to me at this point.
she's been walking with her walker, she colored (kinda) yesterday, and some of the time she will repeat animal sounds after me. never on cue though ;)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

how does life get so busy????

my oh my, we have been busy! but God has been so good!
quick updates:
isabelle tried eating yogurt with a spoon yesterday. partly successful (meaning, part of it went in her mouth,, everywhere else!)

i pretty much had to let go and realize a bath would be waiting for her. overall, it was fun for us both!
yesterday, she also decided to start talking on a play phone. for the first time i saw her hold it up to her ear (kinda) and try to say hello. i coulda melted!
blurry, but you get the idea!

just had to throw this in, love her legs!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

1 year checkup

on wednesday, isabelle got her 1 year checkup.
21 1/2 lbs (65%)
31 in (95%)
and totally healthy!

standing up like a big girl!


on the 12th, peppy's bday, she rode in her new car seat facing forward...she was in such a daze b/c it was so new to her...heehee! it was great!

we went to ihop and they sang to her and gave her a sundae.

she also tried to use a spoon for the first time on her own initiative (which she tried again tonight at dinner and did so-so)
we also hit our goal...she was nursed for a year! yay! the morning before her birthday was the last time she nursed. if i stop and think about it, i get a bit i dont :)
she says momma like it's going out of business. :) i tease este that she calls him baba...which she also calls everything else that, too. but it truly sounds like she says all kinds of words....who knows. we'll leave it there :)
she is also standing up by herself w/out using anything. it's so cool to watch her grow!
overall, she's just a major 1 year old blessing!
gma introduced this riding form. does it look safe to you?


Monday, my peppy girl turned 1! what? yeah, so hard to believe! we threw a party for her on saturday and it was amazing for me, the mama. to see everyone there that loves her so much is so importantly sweet for a mother. it was cool to see with different people everytime i "found" her. she is so loved, and she loves so much, too! it seems like she has a way about her to make everyone feel special...and i love that.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

oh my...

first night lil pepita spent the night at grandpa and grandmas! it has been an amazing night. esteban and i went and hung out at franky and judy's, went in the jacuzzi, watched some tv and then went to the movies (first time i have been in like a year) before we started our date night, we got to take some shots of isabelle and i just got done havin some fun with the pictures. thought i should share!
here's to isabelle having a great night for the grandparents :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

tomorrow is easter...last easter...

our baby came into our world. how is it possible to love so strong? for that love to grow and stretch so deep? ahhh, all i know is that i am in love with this lil woman and i look at her and STILL cant believe she's mine!

she loves books! gone are the days where i constantly had to tell her to take them out of her mouth. she could sit there and turn the pages in the same book for the longest time. it is quite precious and we swear that she has said bible several times...:)

our kitchen-aide :)

our peppy is beginning to love being in the kitchen...for some reason, as messy as it can get, i love it too! she can spend forever in the pantry, the fridge and the cabinets.
helping uncle b and olivia with breakfast