Tuesday, April 20, 2010

how does life get so busy????

my oh my, we have been busy! but God has been so good!
quick updates:
isabelle tried eating yogurt with a spoon yesterday. partly successful (meaning, part of it went in her mouth, part...um, everywhere else!)

i pretty much had to let go and realize a bath would be waiting for her. overall, it was fun for us both!
yesterday, she also decided to start talking on a play phone. for the first time i saw her hold it up to her ear (kinda) and try to say hello. i coulda melted!
blurry, but you get the idea!

just had to throw this in, love her legs!


Brent and Abigail said...

what a great mom for letting meal time get so messy - thats part of the fun and learning. And love her little toes!

Anonymous said...

Hold on mom she is growing up fast. She looks like she is enjoying herself. Such a big little girl.

G. Sprouse