Tuesday, April 12, 2011

because of you...

because of you, sweet isabelle faith...
*i now plan not to plan
*i clean to see it unclean within a minute (tell me the truth! do you have a stopwatch and are you trying to beat your quickest time?)
*i get dressed up to realize my lip gloss has been smeared by your wet kisses, there's a smudge on my shirt from your hands, and i have a sticker on the bottom of my shoe i've been walking around with since who knows when
*i open my chapstick at night to see chuncks taken out
*i now take "quick errands* that are NEVER quick
*i get help from you which pretty much is the opposite of help
*i discipline throughout the day to you who so now how to make me smile and laugh at the most *convenient* of times
*i play hide and seek throughout the day. i usually am seeking to find where you are hiding because you are doing something you know you shouldn't be (now refer back to the previous *)
*i take out warm clothes from the dryer and can't fold them because they MUST go straight on top of you.

i want you to know that you are the one that can cause all of the above and make me LOVE like i've never, make me smile like i've never, make me excited like i've never, make me proud like i've never, make me cry like i've never, make me cling to our Jesus like i've never, make me wanna be the best Spirit-filled woman ever...each and every day! you, my dear, can get away with all of these things and somehow, someway, they make me love you that much more.
i will never be able to get tight enough hugs from you, wet enough kisses from you, enough "i wuv you" from you, "hold you" from you, "one more song" from you, "mommy dance" from you....i will never be able to soak enough of you in to be satisfied. i love you and will love you forever. happy birthday, my adored two year old.


Brent and Abigail said...

i love this. i teared up at the end of it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words from a Mommy about her child. That is how God loves us.

G. Sprouse

Jess Williams said...

That is such a beautiful picture, and a beautiful post!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, it's too early for water works! This was beautiful! Happy belated Peppy!