Thursday, November 11, 2010

harvest costume

so, here's the scoop on pep's costume this year. i'm the queen of last minute. i realized that we had a harvest party to go to a week-week 1/2 before halloween. so i started searching online for an outfit for my gal. it's crazy, but you know how you hear girls say about their wedding dress, "i just knew this was the one." well, it's sad to say, but i felt that way about this little lamb costume for isabelle. was sold out for the season. i searched high and low for it on other sites... nothing. i then went and tried to find a costume in some stores around town...nothing compared. so i decided on a poodle costume online, but definitely felt like i was settling. I got an email back the next day saying it was sold out as well. i went on the adventure to make my own little lamb costume. it took me one whole day. it definitely was not perfect, seeing that i did not have a pattern and i am a beginner seamstress ( i did have sewer down but i dont think thats correct)...but i ended up being pleased. i wanted a little lamb, and a little lamb i did get! here's her debut.
wait, wait. i have to mention how awesome my hubby is. when i made her costume, she would not let me put her hood on. lol, she would rip it right off and throw we never saw the finish product on. i was asked to help with the harvest party so i had to be there early. sooooo, my darling husband had to get our lil sugar ready for the party. lollipops are magical at getting little minds off of daddies putting hoods on them. thanks daddy, youre the best!
now, here's her debut...

my darling lil lamb

giving lovies

proud grandpa and grandma


Brent and Abigail said...

that is not a beginner costume. you did amazing. and the little lamb is just so precious too :)

Anonymous said...

My little lambchops is so cute. Who's daughter are you anyway. You didn't take that talent from me - must be from your dad. You did good.

G. Sprouse