Monday, May 5, 2008

my este is something!

We have been leading worship at church and my old guitar, which i cherish with all my heart, does not have a plug for amplifying it. Well, after church yesterday, I went to a bridal shower and este went to La and Orange county to do some appraisals. When he got home yesterday evening, I was playing my guitar and singin my heart out. He comes in the family room where I was with a big smile on his face. I thought, "wow, he must be sooo glad to see me!" I got up and gave him a hug and we chit chatted for a sec. Then he hands me this wire plug that's for my guitar. If you could have been in my mind....something was not connecting. I could have sworn that I didnt have a place for this on my guitar. So after some thought I asked him, "does my guitar have a place for this?" He smiled and said, "yes!"....and turned the corner to go get......MY NEW GUITAR....i couldnt stop crying. He prayed while I had the guitar in my arms that the guitar and I would always glorify the Lord. mmmmmmmmm...i love him.
So then he took me to the church and let me see what it sounded like. He took some short videos, too..but for some reason when I hit publish, they don't show up...sooo, I'll try and figure it out later.


Anonymous said... are such a blessing to everyone around you! I love you so much. Those videos made me miss you so much!


Brent and Abigail said...

i hope theres no limit to how many times you can press play. Colin LOVES listening to you sing and play the guitar! Such a sweet husband :)

Can't wait to see you in JUne!

Anonymous said...

Tif-I'm glad you and Esteban fit so well together. It's good to see you happy and being loved so much. Keep on shinin' sis. That's an awesome guitar for a girl with a beautiful voice and amazing heart. *hug*