Thursday, June 18, 2009

2 month checkup

so, baby girl got her first round of shots on tuesday. i, of course, was so nervous to take her...she was so content and i was thinking, "you have no clue what is coming!" poor thing. well, este came with me to help me while she got her shots...i'm not so good when it comes to stuff like that, and for some reason, I had in my head that she would be screaming and crying. we got to the doctors office and they measured and weighed her...i COULDNT believe it. she is a little over 24 inches and over 13 pounds. WHAT? she was 20 inches and 7.12lbs when she was born. so the doc charted her out and she is like 95% in weight and 97% in height. i asked the doc if this means she is going to be tall and she said no, that her growth could slow down. man, no wonder her growth spurt lasted 2 weeks...she had so much growing to do! she also said that we might not do rice cereal until 6 months since she is doing so well with my milk. yay for God's provision!
isabelle did so well while the doc was checking her all over! she just laid there so content and looked around...not even a peep out of her. the doctor said, "wow, she is really content! we'll keep her!" of course, i'm smiling ear to ear...i know i have a great child, but i love it when other people see too. she then asked what all she was doing and told me that she is doing some things that 3 months old do...once again i felt so proud...but i think every mother probably thinks their child is above average:)
so then the shots came. i was by her head talking to her and esteban was in the chair. she got her shots and she cried...but so not like i thought she would and she didnt cry for long at all. when the nurse was done and i picked her up, i turned to este and he was all red eyed with tears in his eyes...and here he was supposed to be the strong one:) he told me to shut the door and he cuddled his baby and cried....hehee, what a sweetie.
one last update, we were hangin out yesterday with a friend of mine and she said, 'look, she found her arm!' she had it sticking straight up and she was almost going cross eyed trying to focus on it. and she just kept it up, and kept it up. it was like she realized that she had power of this crazy thing. heehee! she's amazing...


Brent and Abigail said...

she is so cute. I love the little rolls on her arms. And don't worry - Colin was 12lbs at his 2 month check up and then was only 20 lbs at his 2 year check up so it does slow down. she looks like she has such a fun personality!

Jen said...

oh wow! being changed on the pool table...risky!

Anonymous said...

Momma knows what that baby needs. You are feeding her the right stuff. She changes her looks every time you post a new picture. She is sooooooo adorable.

G. Sprouse