Friday, February 26, 2010

pepster webster

our peppy pie is all over the place these days! the other day she went up all of our steps (with me behind her, of course!) one morning she was crying in her crib and i went in there to see what was up and she was standing up (not realizing how to get down) luckily, this (her crying while standing) has not happened again. but she stands all the time now and it's quite adorable!
she was going after the kitty's food the other day and we both said, "no!" well, she continued and este went and got her and was telling her...and then she kissed him...and again and again. lol, it shocked him and SHUT HIM UP! her point exactly. we're gonna have to watch this one! heehee.
today i had both girls outside playing in their house and on the grass. this was pep's first time really playing like that outside. at first she didnt want her feet or hands touching the grass, but in 5 mins. she came around and loved it! we also took her to the playground to play for the first time this week. she had so much fun. she loved the slide and then i got on the tire swing and put her on my lap and she giggled most the time while daddy pushed us! :)
olivia and belle went on their first bike ride with billy tonight. isabelle was leaning on olivia, with a smile on her face and the wind in her hair. olivia was singing to her. precious!
are you ready for pictures yet???
oh my! what a joy!

lovins with auntie

date night fun:) :) :)

what a big girl! olivia would pop through the window you see and belle would die of laughter!

"ewww! r u kiddin me?"

lovin it!

is this not the funniest/cutest thing ever???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep. It is the cutest, funniest thing ever. I want to hear her laugh, crawl, kiss, play, etc. etc. etc.

G. Sprouse