Thursday, March 4, 2010


i feel like God has just made me so "full" today. I cant quite explain it, but i have felt so much satisfaction in His presence. Praise you, Jesus. We were just listening to a song where it talks about "He said He can move mountains, if He can move mountains, He can move my mountain, he can move your mountain, too!" woohoo! Jesus, we are anxiously waiting!
Yesterday Este and I had an amazing day of worshipping the Lord...with our peppy! We were standing and singing, with her in her daddy's arms and all three of us, at some point, had our arms raised. she is precious and i LOVE that we can teach her how to praise the HOLY ONE! she is:

"have you seen my ball?"


Anonymous said...

G.P. Sprouse

tifi*cha cha* said...


Unknown said...

She is adorable. Where is the ball - love your editoral comments with the pictures.

G. Sprouse

Brent and Abigail said...

she's such a sweetheart.