Sunday, May 16, 2010


soooo, my darling groom turned 30 on the 14th. he had told me a year ago that he did not want a party for his 30th! well, about a month ago, he seemed to have a change in attitude. one thing i love about our relationship is that we can be with each other 90% of each day and still not have enough of one another....EXCEPT when i'm trying to plan a surprise party for him! heehee, he made it tough but with mucho help from his family, we pulled it off. our goal was to bless him and show him love, and loved and blessed he did feel. mission accomplished! our friend mason took some snaps at the glad b/c i wouldn't have gotten any. here's a glimpse into our celebration of my hubby's life.

when the door was opened, he saw everyone and looked at me like, "youre, eh, sneaky sneaky!"

joy to see all his friends and family

i gave him 30 reasons why i love him and then the guests went around and shared why
they love him too. special, special moments!

true love given from the Lord


our God is an awesome God

some of the coolest kiddos

singing/playing the happy birthday song...beatles style

happy birthday, baby!

mother/son team/hobby/bonding :)

i love Este's family and they sure love him! they worked hard to get this party thrown and i'm so thankful for them and their love for my darling!


Anonymous said...

You gave him a birthday he will never forget. Good for you.

G. Sprouse

Augusta said...

I love these pictures!! Esteban looks so happy!! :D

Gussy :0)