Tuesday, June 29, 2010

i know, i know

SLACKER. what can i say, we have been going nonstop for the last few months it seems. both of our cameras are dead...so i have no new pics to show b/c i'm too lazy to go and charge them and i havent really been taking many pics here lately. hopefully that will change! just wanted to update quickly on peppy's growth!
1. she says all kinds of stuff...momma, dadda (gagga), yellow, ball, night night, bye, no no no, down...etc.
2. she completely understands what we are saying most the time and will nod for a yes or tell us no.
3. she gives wonderful hugs with a "mmmmm"....i realize what all i do because she copies everything
4. she has been walking lots more...still chooses to crawl a lot though
5. she has 11 teeth and we are patiently waiting for her 4th molar which was already cutting 2 months ago to finally come in. her teeth take for.ev.er to come in...poor thing.
6. she loves her daddy, mucho!
7. she loves to talk on the phone...so much that she can pretend that anything is a phone.
8. she loves tags. if she is in the middle of something and she finds a tag, everything stops, she puts her fingers in her mouth and starts caressing the tag...adorable.
9. she loves bubbles
10. she will now eat baby food for me...which i love b/c it means less stinky poop! yay!

i'll get some pics up here soon. until then, go argentina!


Anonymous said...

She is turning into a little girl and not a baby anymore. How adorable.

G. Sprouse

Brent and Abigail said...

i love that she prefers to crawl. I just love crawling babies. I wish Joel would keep crawling. I can't believe all that she is doing. She is growing so fast and to make up for the lack of pictures in this post i think the next one needs to be full of pictures of that pretty girl :) phone date finally soon??? love yoU!