Tuesday, September 18, 2007


things I love...just cause.
1. Waking up to a cool morning
2. Seeing people laugh/smile
3. Chai Tea
4. Dancing
5. Finding "treasures" in the Bible
6. Playing games
7. P&W music
8. Skiing
9. David Crowder Band
10. Christmas
11. Books by Francine Rivers
12. Getting magazines in airports
13. Looking at pictures
14. Strawberries
15. Gum
16. My hubby, family and friends
17. The mall
18. Watching home videos
19. Waking up next to my husband
20. Getting surprises in the mail
21. My dad and mom's answering machine message
22. Birthdays
23. Eating healthy and exercising (love/hate relationship)
24. Encouraging people to exercise/ eat right
25. The shows : biggest loser, american idol, and lost
26. Bible study groups
27. Grandma's thanksgiving dinner
28. Singing
29. Running in a race :)
30. Laughing
31. Gumball machines
32. Playing pranks
33. Listening to Jacob Prasch teachings in car w/ hubby
34. Being challenged to do something
35. Cuddling to a good movie
36. Excitement before goin on a trip
37. Going back to WV for visits
38. Living in cali
39. Traveling to new places
40. A made bed
41. Nice hotel rooms
42. Clean house
43. The beach
44. A full fridge
45. Talking to the Lord
46. Surprises
47. Seeing the stars in the sky
48. Massages/facials/pedicures
49. Eating out
50. Learning something new
51. Thai food (red curry and rice)
52. Heart to heart talks
53. Weekends
54. Making new friends
55. Reminiscing
56. Accomplishing something
57. Cashews
58. Jacuzzis
59. Being with the kids on Sunday
60. Rainy days with nothing to do
Just thought you'd like to know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...