Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Go get them!

Today my husband got a you tube video over his email and he had me watch it. It was a group of buffalo walking around with a baby right along with them. The camera caught that they were headed straight towards some lions hiding out, waiting for them. By time the buffalo saw the lions they were too close. The buffalo ran and the lions ran right after the little baby. The baby was caught. The lions were thrashing the baby around and it partly landed in some water. Before you know it a crocodile grabs hold of the's tug of war. The lions win over the baby. In the corner of the camera you begin to see this massive herd of buffalo coming back for the baby. They surround the lions, charging them. In the midst of all the commotion, you see the little baby get up and head straight in the middle of the buffalo herd to safety.
I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched this. Those buffalo cared so much about that one little baby. I automatically thought about our brothers and sisters...even the babies in Christ that we know. If they are headed towards danger or even if they are already there, let's not forget about them, let's go in the POWER of the Holy Spirit and win them back! Isn't that love?

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