Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dreams! Bad Dreams!

Over the course of my pregnancy, I have had several intense and very realistic dreams. I remember the one right before I knew I was pregnant that I had. Our cousin had died and we were all standing around him praying over him and all of a sudden I see his hand twitch. Before we knew it, he was standing and was alive again. The dream seemed so real that I couldnt get over it! Soon after, we found out I was preggo...and my crazy dreams each night began!

One theme that has occurred several times is the fact that Esteban and I are not together, separating, he's cheating on me...etc. Here I am about to have his baby and I'm having all of these HORRIBLE dreams, that leave me feeling quite out of it when I awake.

Well, last night I had a dream that he had murdered 2 people and was hiding it. We knew he was going to get caught and go to prison so I was going to move to Florida with my parents while he went to jail. Well, we were out with the family and I said, "do you want to stay in our relationship." He gave me a smirk and said, "um, whatever you want." But the smirk told it all. Finally it came out that he didn't want us to stay together at all...and he almost seemed excited about it. As he was leaving, he handed me a bank card and it had NO money left in the account. I started yelling at him that I worked for that money too!

So, I woke up to him calling me (thank goodness..who knows where the dream would have went) and I felt like I was in a funk. I have heard that later in your pregnancy, you start dreaming of family stuff...ummm...yeah, i'm waiting for the good family stuff!)

Anyways, about a half hour later he calls again and I said, "I had a terrible dream!" He goes, "I did too!" I asked what his was about and he said that he had a dream that I cheated on him and he asked me if I did it and I said, "yup!" LOL. Well, not funny at all but what is going on!

Needless to say, we are committed to pray over each other and our dreams at night before we go to bed.

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